Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Work, work and more work!? Great grief!

Projects, math, literature, physics, design and technology. A lot of work? Yeah, I should think so.

I believe Chinese New Year is a holiday, a public one at that, but hell, it is these projects that kept me from unleashing my festive spirit. Think about it. I have one, two..... four projects that I had to do over this weekend. This weekend, though long, was in fact the Chinese New Year Celebrations! Come on! With all these 'flies' flying around my head, how am I supposed to concentrate on celabrating this New Year. As a result, when I went visiting, I ended up sitting in one corner, pondering over how to complete these projects.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) , I got invited to Gorilla's place to do the bulk of the projects, and I am proud to say that after much consideration and planning, we managed to complete several of them today. Is that called skill or what?

In any case, I sincerely hope that our future projects will not be held over such important celebrations and instead on the school holidays.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy 'Niu' Year......So corny

My whole house is red, though it is not supposed to be taken literally, the majority of it is in the colour. The Lunar New Year decorations has once again invaded my house giving my eyes a bright display of scarlet when I open them from my slumber.

Well, I think its a bit too bright. I prefer the lighter hues of green and blue during the ordinary days and not the festive occasions like CNY and X'mas, the only 2 festive occasions in which my house goes through a total makeover.

Anyhow, for 'Bai Nian' this year, instead of wearing the usual red, I decided to wear pink. Nice colour eh? Truth to be told, I prefer pink rather than red. Why? Well, I don't really know why but it seams that the colour pink brings out my skin tone better than red.

The hongbao money I received was much less compared to last year's. I believe that this is because of the economic crisis. For the record, Obama better get this crisis straight because I need my cash.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

and the Frustration Sets In - The SQ Incident

I am Agent 18 of the 2nd Division, Platoon D. Among all the other agents in the platoon, it seems that I am the most unfortunate. Why, you ask? I will tell you soon.

Just an introduction. Command had ordered us to complete several projects including one of the biggest recon operations codenamed OPW. Over the years, our predecessors all had to accomplish this task. For this project, I am teamed up with the worst group in platoon history. I am presently stuck with Agents 16 through 20, all of them having some attitude problems.

Let us start with Agent 20. According to my observations, his seems to be quite fine, other than the fact that he is obsessed with music and occasionally being very irritating. Agent 19 requires anger management....urgently. This being that he shouts his head off if someone screws something up. Agent 17, according to my source Agent 30, is quite a slacker though it seems that he is the most clear minded team member.

Agent 16, our superstar. Of the whole platoon, he is the hardest to communicate with. It seems that he is always in another dimension. Whether if Agent 16 has some physic powers or other special powers, it still awaits to be found out.

I believe that I told you in my previous post that I am stuck with this group for PE. Fortunately, for the other projects, I got the opportunity to choose my own group.


Hockey, What A Hokey Game

I fell down screaming, clutching my ankle, during my last PE lesson. Yeah, maybe I was just diving but hey, I still got my team a free hit. Nevermind about that, I actually do not really care. My point being that I got injured due to the fact that my Korean buddy had just whacked me in the shin..... with a hockey stick. A really hard stick with the, force given by a baboon, that was aiming for the blooming ball and not me.
So i say, how cool is that? Not very cool at all. Hey, in any case, there is one guy in my team ( index 16-20) which is terribly hopeless. Playing against the team which has The School Team Floorball Player, The Spastic Monkey Man, The Food Slurper, The Annoying Nerdy Guy and The Huge Big Guy ( indexes 11-15), it is definitely a passport to hell.
Fine, on the route to my destruction, I eventually decided to somehow salvage the situation.... I decided to start socring own goals. The rest of the team eventually followed suit. This soon pissed the other team off and they told the teacher.
I got scolded at the end of the lesson. What a great start for such a 'great' game.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Egg in my Nose, Roach in my Ear

Where do eggs belong? Its belongs in the mouth followed by the oesophagus then by the stomach and blah blah. Now what about roaches? Well, I seriously believe that they should go back to their home in the trashcan.
Okay, let us start with the eggs. Instead of the usual route through the digestive system, the egg I was eating for dinner ( with other things of course, I'm not so deprived!) went through the respiratory system instead. I mean, not through the whole system-just the nose. Just the nose. Hell! Do you even know how pain it was!? It was not entirely my fault, but mostly mine I believe. (In any case, no, I did not feed it up my nose.) My brother had to write his own journal and after reading his terribly brilliant composition with my mouth full, I eventually found out that I had the egg in my nose, neatly chopped up. What else can you expect?
Now, what do I have against roaches? Hmmm? Is it because they pollute our living environment? Look really nasty? Or did one of their nymphs found a new home in my ear? I choose option 3. This is a true story, a nymph really went into my ear though it eventually came out after some prompting. Till this day, it still remains a mystery how the heck did it even get in.
I don't know if this will get me into the 'World's Top Ten List of Most Sick Happenings' but what I do know is that these two incidences are the one of the worst experiences I had in my secondary school life.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Backaches+ Serious Muscle Pains. What else?

The smell of counterpain lotion had invaded my ok-ish smelling room these few days. Hey! It was not my fault! It was those weak sec 1 morons who can't even do 50 squats straight. I had to pull them up or I mean, they pulled me down. Coupled with the intense gym training and physical torture after the squats, in which big boss was overseeing, I had absolutely no chance to slack! This eventually equals to a few days having my legs, arms and back burned with white cream.
Ah yes! I also had my own fair share of abrasions credited to our brilliant synthetic field and, I think, wrongly done sliding tackles. Thus, i have scars stamped on my elbows, knees and my right shin ( not the wrong one).
Another loss today. 3-0. Still wondering what is wrong. I think i need to reformat the players in my team. I do not want to lose again tomorrow-it is a terrible feeling. Maybe it is because of the injuries mentioned above. Good grief!
Basically, the equation I learnt today is:
(muscle aches)+(nasty wounds)+(low morale)= (terrible on field performance)+(hard time getting about)